Holland Cooke Media

Are you selling information sponsorships?
Does your News expense ROI?
We can train listeners (that advertisers want as customers) to listen more.

Regardless of format, you need hooks.
  • Swifties don't need FM to hear Taylor. She's already on their phones. They will hear her on your air if you give listeners reasons to use you habitually. Music stations need more than music.
  • In many homes, there are now fewer radios than smart speakers. And nobody has ever said: "Alexa, please play 6 commercials." But she can play millions of songs. So do streams and YouTube.
  • What these new-tech competitors DON'T do? Local-Local-Local.

"The most pro-Sales programming consultant in our industry."
Former client Roger Utnehmer, now blissfully retired after selling his Wisconsin stations

Boosting tune-in will help your advertisers own their categories in consumers' minds.
Buying a tire, or a whole car, or insurance, or choosing a bank, or a kitchen and bath remodeler are not impulse purchases. Those customers are pre-sold, by businesses who advertise on an ongoing basis. So Time Spent Listening is still the ballgame.
  • Specifically, you need to add occasions of tune-in, which is easier than extending duration-per. Translation: There is very little we can do to keep someone in a parked car with the key on Accessories. But if you have an information reputation, listeners will come back again and again.
  • And if your AM/FM competition is mailing-it-in, you are already advantaged. Now, let's take it to the next level.

"Holland Cooke will teach your people how to be understood."
Jay Philippone, President, Priority Media

After programming WTOP/Washington for 7 years, then consulting News/Talk stations since 1995, I am known as a Programming consultant.

But my job is to improve results for your local direct retail advertisers, by optimizing the environment surrounding advertisers' messages (what we call Programming).

"We could all stand to tighten-up our writing."
KTBB owner Paul Gleiser, my 20-year client

Simply doing local news is a start...BUT...
I wish there was a more diplomatic way to say this: Are your newscasts BORING?
  • Often, copy doesn't enable the listener by telling what a news item means to him or her.
  • NOTHING PERSONAL. We are all busy. You hear a local voice, telling the truth, reciting copy, and you check-the-box. But are you delivering actionable/quotable information?
  • Does this newscast sound different than the last one? Promos talk-the-talk. But done right, it is the information itself that makes the station habit-forming.
  • Whether your local news people are entry level or Less Nessman look-alikes, your news will matter more to listeners if they implement the direction I spell out.
  • Ditto if you're using a remote news vendor. The more-specifically you direct them, the more they will sound like helpful members of your own on-air family.

"You are THE BEST at making great air talent even greater."
Beth Neuhoff, Neuhoff Media

The 4-Week Tune-In Tune-Up:
$1600 + conference room pizza.

Here's the plan:

  • Week 1 begins with my onboarding package, which includes:
    1. My Welcome video, which explains the process. You can either view it as a group in the conference room, or staffers can watch individually on-demand. Afterward, fill-in the blanks in...
    2. My Listener Profile exercise, a download that comes in your onboarding package...as do....
    3. My News Writing Style Tips: NOT a coffee table book, I promise! I've boiled it down to fundamentals that make copy pop, and...
    4. I will also send 3 Sample Stories for you to re-write -- like "a take-home quiz," which we will review together when...
  • We schedule a Zoom, to review everyone's Listener Profile, and Sample Story Re-Writes.
  • Then, in Weeks 2, 3, and 4, you send me 3 consecutive days of local news copy to review. If you do local news on weekends, send me Friday-weekend-Monday copy. If you don't staff local news on weekends, send me Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday copy each week. I'll send back comments.

Also included:

  • Imaging For Information Tune-In: How your station explains its usefulness, and invites Occasions-of-Listening. Strategy, tactics, and specific proven promo copy points.
  • Extracting Full Value From Your Network, to create listening "appointments" and Sales value.
  • Weather: Still a hook. It's on smartphones, and Alexa. But being thought of as "the weather station" can continue to earn tune-in and revenue.
Call me today to tune-up YOUR tune-in: 401-330-6868
Unavailable in some markets.

"Thanks, Holland, for your insight and working to make us an even BETTER local news organization!"
Randy Miller, President, Miller Media Group/Regional Radio/Hometown Illinois Radio Network