had no idea...
complicated life would become. Soon. In just a few months, The Great Blizzard of '78 would paralyze New England for a week.
Meantime, the summer of '77 seemed pretty darn carefree.
Viet Nam war was over. Voters had banished the last bastion of Watergate,
punishing Gerald Ford for pardoning Richard Nixon, by replacing him with
Jimmy Carter. Rhode Islanders who visited New York City came home
raving about the view from atop the World Trade Center towers. Joe
Garrahy was governor, and Buddy Cianci was Providence mayor (the first
time). It would be a year before "Saturday Night Fever" replaced
AM radio's diverse Top-40 playlist with a seamless, sound-alike 150-beat-per-minute
disco din. At the movies, we howled at Peter Sellers as Inspector
Clouseau in the Pink Panther movies. "Charlie's Angels" was a TV show.
Internet??? 1977 was before fax machines!
1977, our biggest beef was gasoline prices, which averaged an outrageous
64 cents per gallon. Remember, it was just a few years earlier that
we lined-up to gas-up, on even or odd days. Thus the Grand Prize
-- and four equally-economical Second Prizes -- that we gave away in the
summer-long contest you'll hear promo'd at the very beginning of this aircheck.
Click here to listen
in RealAudio
Click here to listen
in WindowsMedia
And if you're from R.I. -- or a REAL radio nerd -- Click here for "liner notes."
NINE! Count 'em, NINE cart machines. I thought that was really cool. And for you youngsters, that object in the foreground is "a turntable."
But I'm getting ahead of myself...
Before I got the 7-midnight gig, in September, 1974, I worked weekends for the summer, commuting from Springfield. Here's The First Memo, after my very first weekend...
With Salty, years later at a WPRO reunion.
The Pro Personalities (HC, center, with L-R: Gary DeGraide, Larry Kruger, Jimmy Gray)

My first book. WJAR and WGNG were still contending. FM? Not QUITE yet.
"Live, from Midland Mall..."
Below: Instant winner! (I'm still amazed we didn't cause traffic accidents.)
Bro. Bill and I award a Doobie Brothers LP, when we spotted her Pro bumpersticker.
Hey SHE stopped.
Some motorists would zoom away, terrified, as we swerved toward them in heavy traffic.
(About HC's coif: DON'T ASK. It was the '70s...)
HC and The Brother schmooze a local looker.
HC, Bobby Vinton, Gary DeGraide, at Colt State Park after the '76 Bristol Parade
"Live, from TV12!" HC works the fishbowl at yet-another Jerry Lewis Telethon.
And before she escaped to TV12, Barbara Hamilton did WPRO News on HC's show.
One day, we named the building after him. GM Dick Rakovan unveiled the surprise.