Holland Cooke Media

Are you ready?

We -- inside-the-box -- live and breathe radio. Listeners have their hands full just living and breathing. Their day is time-crunched and financially-challenging, and we want to be its soundtrack. But listening is free, unlike umpteen other purchase decisions they agonize. So what's high-stakes to us is low-stakes to them.

We only matter if we matter, and we've never had so much audio competition.

  • As the school year begins, the listeners local retailers want as customers transition back to "normal" routines. Their tempo changes, and builds to a holiday season climax. Do they know who you are and how you can help?
  • Off-air promotion (remember that?) merely says give-us-a-try. When they do, does what they hear deliver? And even with scant (or no) off-air promotion, much of what you can do to become more habit-forming costs nothing. As consultants do, I'm talking about "the fundamentals," the blocking-and-tackling stuff.
For starters...

Who are you?

  • Are call letters or station nickname delivered frequently? PPM Myth: call letters matter less. Baloney. Awareness drives use.
  • Ditto your dial position(s) and how to listen via smartphone, smart speaker, and streams. Name-and-address. As your listeners cume 3 stations this week, help 'em remember yours more than the other 2.
  • And are you selling -- or merely reciting -- call letters, dial position, and slogans? This is often an issue with veteran talent, creatures of habit.
Where are they?
Radio can be self-referencing to habitual listeners, the lion's share of your AQH. Example: When I programmed WTOP/Washington, I knew I was on-time if I was at the corner of 25th and K when The Osgood File came on. If it had already been on, I was late. If it hadn't aired yet, I was a little ahead of the game. So consistently execute on time.

"Who cares?"
Or as my WTOP successor Jim Farley asked: "W.G.A.S.?" (a sign in the newsroom there, "Who Gives A Shit?")

  • Are topics relatable and inviting? Enable listeners with helpful information, and they'll keep coming back.
  • Do you say "you" and "your" a lot? It's a litmus test for relevance.
  • Do you keep setting the stage as audience tunes in? Someone JUST got in the car.
  • Are you teasing the next quarter hour? And what you'll offer same-time-tomorrow?
  • Even with apps in the dashboard, solid traffic reports are super-local and can be super-impactful.
  • Is your on-air imaging about the station? Or listeners' lives? "Because ONE traffic jam can jam-up your whole day..."

Without spending a dime on promotion, we can train your listeners to listen more often.
AM/FM broadcasters' silver bullet is local news and information. Simply employing station news people -- or even using a news vendor -- can distinguish you from listeners' many other audio choices...IF your on-air and digital news copy is relevant, helpful, and habit-forming. Learn more about my "4-Week Tune-In Tune-Up" -- and see the Week #1 on-boarding video, here.

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